Set in 1980's Australia, this is the true story of a woman whose husband eventually reveals to her that he is an active member of the Nazi party. A...
A successful writer of crime stories, is missing and searching a special, antique bed which used to be his source of inspiration.
Das Nürnberger Bett
The young daughter of a US Senator is drawn into a hippie “free love” cult called “The Children of Light” by the blond...
Divine Emanuelle
Armed soldiers, thirsty and lost, run into the mysterious Sheila, who claims to be able to guide them to safety.
Emanuelle: Queen of the Desert
CIA agent Harry Wargrave is sent to aid Gen. Marenkov, a senior Russian official, who is defecting to the west. Wargrave decides they should travel...
Avalanche Express
Ach du lieber Harry