The story of the Avro Arrow, the world's fastest fighter plane built in 1950's Canada, and how the project was dropped due to political pressure from...
The Arrow
This one hour documentary chronicles the life and significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her apparitions and appearances on earth, and the 30th...
Our Lady
What happens when you receive someone else's heart and wind up with the transplant donor's personality traits and memories too? Jill Maddox, a...
Heart of a Stranger
A family's well-kept secrets are exposed when the daughter accuses her ex-boyfriend of rape.
The Tenth Circle
After a chance encounter with a handsome stranger, single dad Sam wrestles with the idea of coming out of the closet at 38.
To the Moon
Though he's reluctant to revisit his past, Charlie returns to the apartment he used to share with his ex-boyfriend to pick up a few things. Instead...
Charlie's P.O.C.
During the reign of the Vikings, a man from another world crash-lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator. The man must fuse his advanced...
Kathryn is distraught at the news of her husband's death delivered by a stranger from the airline for whom he was a pilot. She starts however to...
The Pilot's Wife
A sensitive and realistic portrayal of the families' grief after the devastating crash of Swissair flight 111, in which all 229 passengers and crew...
Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by...
Good Citizen: Betty Baker is a tongue-in-cheek mystery, full of unexpected twists. It features Betty, a civic-minded housewife who inhabits a...
Good Citizen: Betty Baker
A conservative church-choir director moves from Texas to San Francisco to run her deceased gay son's drag club.
Stage Mother
After the death of his wife, Richard hires a recently divorced housekeeper, Emma. Soon finding himself falling for her, his emotionally destructive...
Woman Wanted
Feeling invisible to society, a recently retired, soft-spoken woman is surprised to learn others consider this an asset when a new opportunity is...
In wintry Winnipeg a man struggling to keep the poor lodging he can find meets a homeless man lugging around an unopened electric heater. They cook...