A chilling tale of a city being tormented by a mysterious killer. Everywhere the citizens turn, they uncover more body parts. The only ones who can...
Jessica Fletcher, lecturing at a writers' conference, finds herself called on to solve the killing of a guest speaker, an arrogant Russian author...
Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For
A young couple is terrorized by the former owner of the home they now occupy. Instead of a honeymoon, life becomes a cat and mouse game for these...
The Walls Are Watching
Is prostitution too big to fail, the true story of the first Government owned Brothel.
Sex Tax: Based on a True Story
Devin's struggles between an office job he hates and a pitiful career as an actor get worse when his beautiful girlfriend Jasmine decides to stop...
The Nearest Human Being
Cass, a queer teen, stumbles on her very-married-mother's secret TindHER profile late one night. When she accidentally swipes right, she not only...
Match Dot Mom