The Story is about a boy named Premji (played by Mehul Solanki) who hails from a Kutchi village. He comes to Ahmedabad with a tragic past and he...
Premji: Rise of a Warrior
Jigar, an independent, carefree, insurance agent falls in love with Shruti. Soon he realizes that love is not eternal but it comes with an expiry...
Vitamin She
In a remote village in Gujarat, Keshav and Kesar's secret love story blossoms with handwritten letters and secret meetings, orchestrated by the help...
Ram Bharosey
A popular radio personality with an aversion to love meets two men with differing views on romance.
Love Ni Bhavai
As a favor to his father's best friend, a young man agrees to escort a woman to America where she's expected to devote herself to her studies.
Romance Complicated
Montu has loved Bittu since childhood, but even when Bittu's marriage is on the cards, they are still just friends. But that's not the only problem,...
Montu Ni Bittu
A group of suppressed women from a village in Gujarat find someone in the desert and their lives are changed forever.