EliteXC: Primetime main card aired live on CBS, marking the first time a MMA event aired in primetime on major American network television. The most...
EliteXC: Primetime
Several WWE and NXT stars will be in action as part of tonight’s Bloodsport XI show from Brooklyn, New York. Shayna Baszler will make her...
GCW Josh Barnett's Bloodsport XI
ShoXC was a mixed martial arts series produced by the mixed martial arts organization EliteXC, Showtime and The purpose of the show is...
ShoXC 4: Alvarez vs. Ebanez
Sunday, October 11th straight from Marion Country Fairgrounds - Josh Barnett's Bloodsport 2020! Don't forget - only submissions and knockouts are...
GCW Josh Barnett's Bloodsport 3
GCW Bloodsport is a professional wrestling event held by the American promotion Game Changer Wrestling (GCW). This event consists of a unique ruleset...
Josh Barnett's Bloodsport XII