Emma Norman spends a wild Spring break holiday on Mintners Cove beach, California, with her female friends, Lori, who seeks a new fling and academic...
Reckless Behavior: Caught on Tape
The lives of two very different teens collide when they are abducted by a human trafficking ring. They must survive long enough for help to arrive,...
The CIA and a rogue assassin attempt to expose the source behind a corporate global intelligence ring inciting war for profit.
In the quiet town of Oaktown a 911 dispatcher named Leanne receives a call from someone beyond the grave that sends her on a twisted journey to track...
Discovered at a young age, the shy, squeaky-voiced Michel'le was plucked straight from South Central, Los Angeles and catapulted into the spotlight...
Surviving Compton: Dre, Suge and Michel'le
The Scotts are confronted with their past and Harrison with his future when they visit a Caribbean island that is being ripped apart by mysterious...
The Riddle Of The Spider's Web
A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world's largest corporations. In the...
Dark Waters
Alice, a young and talented sous chef at NY's top restaurant, receives an invitation to judge a food competition for a prestigious annual fundraiser.
Farm to Fork to Love