"The Prodigy" tells the story of small-time enforcer Truman Fisher's vicious conflict with a sadistic assassin who has chosen the unwilling Truman to...
The Prodigy
Reunited friends find themselves the chief suspects of a murder mystery that seems eerily similar to a play they performed in high school.
Searching for Sonny
In lawless storm ravaged New Orleans, eleaguered Detective Sean Riley is trying to cope with the death of his young son and the abandonment of his...
Sinners and Saints
Parlez vous Français? Not yet? Well, the Standard Deviants can help. The Standard Deviants will help you master the French alphabet, learn...
The Standard Deviants: The Flaky Pastry World of French
When a lonely accountant reluctantly agrees to fight a sword duel, he is thrown into a world of intrigue and romance as he faces a scheming heiress,...
The Dueling Accountant