When two siblings undertake an archaeological excavation of their late grandmother’s house, they embark on a magical-realist journey from her...
306 Hollywood
On the eve of Christmas the Wompkee's plan a great day of celebration. However, evil forces are stirring in the shape of the evil ice witch, Igora...
A Very Wompkee Christmas
Family inherits a house on a tiny island between Canada and the US, and is not the jurisdiction of either country.
The Almost Royal Family
When an illiterate toy maker has the right to his invention stolen, his grandson and the Harlem Globetrotters team up to get them back.
Read Between The Lines
A handsome and successful young man with a lovely fiancée, James Jackson seems to have everything going for him, but his life begins to...
Revolution #9
At fictional Harrad College students learn about sexuality and experiment with each other. Based on the 1962 book of the same name by Robert Rimmer,...
The Harrad Experiment