Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an...
The Holy Land of Tyrol
An irreparable mistake in a case of abuse that drives the accused, a pastor, into suicide, prompted Kommissar Höllbacher to resign.
Needing good PR, a snooty princess orchestrates a brief romance with an ordinary guy. But the schlub she picks proves more resourceful than expected.
The Unlikely Prince
April 1945. In a dramatic operation the SS transports 139 special prisoners, and kin of the prisoners, into the Alps. The plan: to use the prisoners...
Hostages of the SS
Three men and a houseboat: Three crisis-plagued Stuttgarters sailed for a week on the Havel in the direction of Müritz. The unfamiliar and not...
Leichtmatrosen - Drei Mann in einem Boot
Hanna und die Bankräuber
In a kingdom where plants are banned, the king's short son befriends Laurin, ruler of the dwarves, who is a great plant lover. But things spiral out...
King Laurin
Ein riskantes Spiel
Vienna, 1937, on the eve of the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany. The young and inexperienced Franz Huchel begins to learn about both the joys...
The Tobacconist
Compilation of season 1 & 2 of German YouTube-Series by the same name.
Lord & Schlumpfi: The long way to Wacken
Kip is an intelligent and sensitive boy with a great passion for anthropology, thanks to his mother who is studying the glacier mummy Ötzi,...
Otzi and the Mystery of Time