Set in Dublin in 1967, the story of feisty woman, who along with her seven children, learns to cope with adversity after the unexpected death of her...
Agnes Browne
Luke has been veering between panic and numbness ever since losing his wife to Thyroid cancer. In a last-ditch effort to feel something, anything,...
Dead Wife Club
When a single mom, facing eviction, is offered a night’s work, she unsuccessfully seeks a babysitter for her two small children. Desperate, she...
Thirty-year-old Keith Kavanagh (Joel Thomas Hynes) ekes his way through life in a small town. A hard-drinking hooligan, he keeps his ragged...
Down to the Dirt
Caitlyn's therapist convinces her to try a new form of hypnosis that allows her to communicate with her anxiety.
A hack filmmaker wastes the money lent to him by a mysterious organization, and so has to take matters into his own hands by locking a cast of actors...
Incredible Violence
5 months after the internet has stopped working, Aley, a misguided internet entrepreneur battles depression and suicide. As she discovers a new...
The Uncanny Valley
Alice, a bus tour guide in St. John's Newfoundland with a broken heart unexpectedly tells her tales of love and loss to a group of life-weary...
The Tour
In a coastal town in Newfoundland a man named Skip cares for his widowed grandfather, admires the local store clerk from afar and dreams of making...