A young man named Harry decides he is going to end his life by drinking himself to death. Throughout Harry’s night of drinking, we learn more...
End of the Line
Influencers venture to the mysterious Island of the Dolls, only to be hunted by Santana, a malevolent spirit trapped within a supernaturally powerful...
Island of the Dolls 2
A group of ambitious YouTubers arrive at an isolated English farm to uncover the story of the infamous Legend of the Pigman. Can they debunk the myth...
Following a visit from a mysterious femme fatale, detective Francis Alban finds herself embroiled in a missing persons case in which all is not what...
Burnt Flowers
Lucy and Belle are two Pomeranian sisters. They have been left at home to guard the house over the Christmas period with two children. However - all...
Christmas with the Pups 2: Pups Alone
Cinderella finds freedom from her wicked stepmother with the help of her fairy godmother. Only this time, they unleash a plan of bloody vengeance.
Cinderella's Revenge
Sarah, a depressed college drop out, must uncover her family's twisted history, and her own greater purpose if she is to defeat the Salem Doll, a...
Salem Witch Doll
To be confirmed
Leprechaun: The Beginning
A sequel to the 2023 horror anthology film "Video Shop Tales of Terror".
Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and Revenge