Parallel and fragmented stories are linked by the relationship between the famous actor and his friend Sebastian Castillo Galo Vidal, a frustrated...
The Zero Hour tells the story of the La Parca (Zapata 666), a fearsome assassin who is forced...
The Zero Hour
The Blue Apple Tree, is a Venezuelan film starring Diego, a city boy about 11 years, marked by serious emotional deprivation, which is forced to...
The Blue Apple Tree
The life of the fighter for Latin American independence Braulio Fernández, and his love for Lucía, a young and beautiful patriotic spy
Memorias de un Soldado
Lo que tiene el otro
Más allá del viaje
In this dark, depraved spinoff of the 21st Century Demon Hunter universe a one night stand turns disastrous as Theresa finds herself drawn into a...
Theresa & Allison
Rubén has three months to live or, probably, one year and a half with treatment. After a very complex process he decides to kill himself,...
Cuidado con lo que sueñas
Alma and Samuel who live in the mountains, where they were born, are unable to have a child. In search of a cure for infertility, the couple meet an...