This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom...
Paura: Lucio Fulci Remembered - Volume 1
Spaghetti westerns, giallo, mondo... are the legacy of a golden age in Italian genre filmmaking, which began in the sixties and came to an end in the...
Dream Time
A young geologist, called by an architect, goes to a home where paranormal phenomena occur due to extreme thermal swings. One time Settled in the...
The Antithesis
A group of tenants and visitors are trapped in a 10-story high-rise apartment building infested with demons who proceed to hunt the dwindling humans...
Demons 2
When a terrorist's body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing a virus...
Zombie Flesh Eaters 2
The story is set in an indefinite time. In a dungeon, five people fight for their survival: three women, Blonde, Black and Red; a theologian and a...
Everybloody's End