Leonard Bernstein’s protégée Marin Alsop reveals how she smashed the glass ceiling to become an internationally renowned...
The Conductor
Set amongst the unlikely backdrop of cowboy boots, rodeos, and global geopolitics, thirty of the world's most promising musicians travel to Fort...
Beyond the Grace Note examines the hard climb to the podium faced by women conductors today. Leading female conductors open up for the first time...
Beyond the Grace Note
Known for his mournful "Adagio for Strings," Samuel Barber was never quite fashionable. This acclaimed film is a probing exploration of his music and...
Samuel Barber: Absolute Beauty
When a woman steps onto the conductor's podium, she is always one of the first: the first to lead a world-class orchestra, the first to conduct the...
Maestras: The Long Journey of Women to the Podium
Documentary that portrays a day of activities by Osesp's lead conductor and music director, Marin Alsop.
Marin Alsop: Um dia na Osesp
The document explores Leonard Bernstein's various facets as a conductor, a composer, a pianist and most of all a teacher and how he influenced so...
Leonard Bernstein: Larger Than Life