A South African family comedy about three primary school girls and their obsessed mothers who share the same desire: for their girls to become Head...
This coming-of-age drama tells about a high school girl who resorts to begging to support her family. Lien Jooste’s life falls apart when her...
Lien se Lankstaanskoene
Hans van Rensburg and Gert Kruger declare ware against Trans-Afrika Mynontwikkelings because they want to change the bushveld into a minedump. The...
Bosveld Hotel ... Die Moewie
Fanus, tired of life and alone, is incompetent to take his own life. The nosy caretaker, who is always looking for her rent money but is actually...
Tawwe Tienies
The Co-operative's people in their well-known and beloved environment, but be warned, there is a tear behind all the laughter.
Liewe Hemel Genis