Spanning three generations, the film depicts life in Copenhagen from the perspective of the working class. The film portrays the development of the...
From Darkness Towards Light
When Eve Vange regains her sight after a successful operation, she falls in love with her saviour – the young ophthalmologist Juel. Her...
FRAGMENT | Lejla, a frivolous dressage rider, rides around with suitors and dances with death. Count Claes turns a deaf ear to all the warnings about...
A charitable childhood deed holds fateful consequences for poor Pip. An anonymous benefactor paves the way for Pip’s transformation and...
Great Expectations
INCOMPLETE | The Widow Stein’s children, Vita and Arthur, are as different as night and day. Vita spends all her time taking care of her mother...
The Wages of Virtue
After ten happy childhood years, the life of David Copperfield takes an obscure turn. His mother passes away and a cruel stepfather crushes young...
David Copperfield
Hendes Helt
The year is 1658 and the King of Sweden has seized large parts of Denmark. A tenant farmer and his family on Falster are forced to look on while...
Struggling Hearts
Attorney Krogh and his wife, Gerda, are distraught about their only son, Kai, a wastrel and ne’er-do-well with no aim or direction in life. Kai...
Her Son
Overwhelmed by personal and professional problems, biologist Friedrich von Kammacher decides to travel abroad in order to regain the joy of living....
Mrs. Walken is in deep grief after her husbands sudden death. In the paper she reads about a medium Dr. Kinley. Widow Walken decides to have a...
Anna Frank has worked very hard save every penny so that her son Kai can get an education. When he does pass his exam Anna cracks and collapses.
A young violinist, Emanuel, dreams of becoming the best in the world. He gets the full support of his mother, who has sacrificed everything for his...
The Soul of the Violin
When the robber Friedrich Blaske is pardoned after thirty years behind bars, he steps into a new and unfamiliar world. Although the former criminal...
The Outcast