The film revolves around three notions: Kha = the etheric double according to ancient Egyptians. Perpetual specter in all respects resembling the...
Kha Uebertragung - Les embaumées
“Personal Statement” stages photographical treatments of the original medical document. The images unfold vertically while feminine hands...
Personal Statement
Video of the installation "XYXX Mosaic Identity" (Offenes Kulturhaus - Linz, 1994).
XYXX Mosaic Identity
"Pulsar" belongs to "The Angel Cycle" ("Le Cycle de l´Ange"). In this cycle of works we create bonds between the human body and astronomical...
Angel Scan. "Trip" – but without substances – except the substances created by the brain when energy awakes as a creative conscience,...
Angel Scan
The macrocosm present in QUASAR is a non colonized outer space. A non science-fictionalized outer space. It is a space of fantasized stars and...
SMOKING is a brief portrait of Maria Klonaris composed of seven shots. Katerina Thomadaki completed it in 2016, two years after Maria Klonaris'...
With this film-manifesto, the two artists invent what they called the Cinéma corporel (Cinema of the Body), they present themselves as a...
Double Labyrinthe
After five years of intense work on identity, an alchemical quest for the depths, after nine films and films / actions where the actresses' gestures...
Unheimlich III: The Mothers
Astarti, the Greek name for Ishtar, is an archetype of a deep, nocturnal feminine that emerges from subterranean darkness. We experience an embodied...
Unheimlich II: Astarti
L'enfant qui a pissé des paillettes
The film takes the Freudian concept of the uncanny generated by an inexplicable strangeness to expose the reappearance of the repressed feminine...
Unheimlich I: Secret Dialogue