A young girl and her mother run a hotel during the war. When the mother dies, the girl finds herself at the mercy of her sex-crazed guests. Soon...
Hotel Fear
Two aliens on the planet "Alpha 4" win in competition of the local television "Cripto-Tivvu", a prize travel on Earth. They arrive in Bari, where...
The Strange Desire
A reporter tries to stop the crash of an aircraft after uncovering an airline's plot to save their business by sabotaging Concorde flights and have...
Concorde Affair
Dedicato al mare Egeo is a forgotten and bizarre co-production produced between Italy and Japan from 1979, starring the famous Italian porn star...
Dedicated to the Aegean Sea
In the future the struggle for space superiority has forced humanity to search the cosmos for a rare element called Antallum that is the key...
Beast in Space