Martín lives in the Argentine countryside. After suffering a violent robbery at his place by a hooded person who threatened his children, he...
Ignacio has the same dream every night. This dream is destroying everything from the inside of his mind: his job, his romance, his personality, his...
Un sueño recurrente
Ana introduces Ezequiel, her new boyfriend, to her parents, in a cabin in the middle of the woods on Christmas Eve. Ezequiel goes into the woods to...
The Introduction
Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a...
Two Shots Fired
X arrives in a small town and witnesses a violent act; Z takes the job of a dead manager and discovers that he had a notebook written in code and a...
Extraordinary Stories
At a summit for Latin American presidents in Chile where the region's geopolitical strategies and alliances are in discussion, Argentine president...
The Summit