Based on the Mario Mendoza's book and inspired by true events, tells three interconnected stories happening in the eve of the infamous Pozzetto...
Satanás - Profile of a Killer
Four separate narratives weave their way together in this impactful drama, from the harrowing slums of Bogotá to the hills of Hollywood. A...
Broken Kingdom
Alejandro, the youngest of his recently deceased father's two sons, is brimming with anger, upset that his father and older brother have for so long...
A Mother
A flock of flamingos has been flying over Bogota in the past few days. Nobody knows where the birds came from, but it's clear that they are lost....
Troubled teen Lisa can't seem to find the joy in everyday things. Lashing out desperately, she falls in love with her mother's junkie boyfriend,...
Pablo, aged sixteen, lives with his mother. Over the last few years, she has done her best to deal with financial difficulties, but it hasn't been...
Como todo el mundo
A young boy and his friends attempt to become invisible to get closer to the girls they desire. They must steal the magic recipe and its ingredients...
The Invisible Children