In the aftermath of a devastating rumor, Iman and his family have been forced to flee Iran. As refugees, they end up in a run-down hotel in northern...
The story revolves around a group of teenage boys. When one of them suddenly gets a chance to make a pact with the devil things shift quickly in...
Bimbo Bambino
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they...
White People
At a creative firm somewhere in Stockholm, there's a short break in a meeting. Cecilia relates an anecdote from a hen party, about a 'Turk kiosk'...
The Turk Shop
The film takes place over one day in Sweden. From dawn in Västervik to sunset in Stockholm a variety of characters going about their everyday...
The Butcher's Waltz
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide...
Beck 23 - The Silent Scream