Eri (Matsubara) is a high school student who is anonymous unlike her friend Mitsuko (Yokoyama) who is the target of amorous advances from their...
Eight volume in the 2 Channel series.
2 Channel no Noroi - VOL. 8
Live-action drama of various 'Share-Kowa' urban legends with the popular music group 'Niji No Conquistador'.
Share-Kowa: Urban Legends That Will Scare You to Death
Haruna Tsunematsu is studying folklore at university and she decides the subject of her graduation thesis will be the "Kisaragi Station" urban legend...
Kisaragi Station
Fuiko Hashida (Shinozaki) runs her own nail salon in Tokyo. She is informed of her father's death one day. She has not spoken to her father in eight...
Time Slip Megane