A French family moves to a new neighborhood with during the summer holidays. The story follows a 10-year-old gender non-conforming child, Laure, who...
Paris, France. Fred and his colleagues, members of the BPM, the Police Child Protection Unit, dedicated to pursuing all sorts of offenses committed...
Sami and Axel live in a housing estate in eastern France. Sami tries his best to bring up his daughter Lana, creating a playful and sensitive...
8 coups
Aya and Louis separated a long time ago. Their little girl, Lina, is now 7 years old. Today, Aya lives with Victor, with whom she’d like to...
You, Me and Us
30-year-old Djemila, a single jurist, at last has her own apartment... a few steps away from her parents' place. A French woman of North African...
Cheba Louisa
For the first time, Marie spends her holidays alone with her kids, without her husband. One evening, she is seduced by a strange and fascinating...
The history of women through the Middle Ages as told to and by little boys and girls and an old man (Michael Lonsdale)
Les Filles au Moyen-Âge
In order to make his little sick brother's dream come true, Leo and his best mates organize a fake score...but on the d day, they make a mistake and...
Public Friends
When an administrator in Paris is sent to Sweden to close a toy company before Christmas, she meets the manager, who plays with her heartstrings.
Love in Lapland
Fanny is a Jewish girl in a French orphanage in 1943. When she and her friends are no longer safe from the Nazis, they try to flee to Switzerland....
Fanny's Journey
The story of a final adventure between two children who find freedom through play. Their games allow them to face the cruel reality ahead of them.
Alain, a former mountain guide, decides to change his life and become a teacher. He finds himself faced with colorful ninth graders who are not...
Les Têtes givrées
Successful woman in love tries to break her family curse of every first marriage ending in divorce, by dashing to the altar with a random stranger...
A Perfect Plan