The story revolves around the life of Bhairathi Ranagal's journey from being a law-abiding responsible lawyer to the benevolent crime boss of...
Bhairathi Ranagal
Sundaattam is a 2013 Tamil film written and directed by Brahma G. Dev. Irfan and new-find Arundhathi play the hero and the heroine. Britto has...
An undercover cop goes into the big bad world, a place taken over by a don, where his safety may be compromised.
Pathu Thala
An undercover cop goes into the big bad world of Ronapura, an place taken over by a don named Bhairathi Ranagal, where his safety may be compromised.
Set in the fictional dystopian city-state of Khansaar, the film follows the friendship between Deva, a tribesman, and Varadha, the prince of...
Salaar: Part 1 - Ceasefire
Salaar: Part 2 - Shouryaanga Parvam
Officer Parashuram travels to Switzerland to rescue his girlfriend. He only has five days to rescue his girlfriend from her kidnappers.
A group of people commit unspeakable crimes and are confident of getting away with it since there are no witnesses. But nature is witness to their...
Jai Maruthi 800 is an action comedy that is set in two distinct time periods. The film begins with an incident that occurs in the 16th century, which...
Jai Maruthi 800