As high school students put on a politically-engaged school play, tensions begin to rise between them and their headmaster. The conflict seems to...
The Last Schoolbell
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski's story sets the stage for the dramatic rise of Pope John Paul II and the fall of communism in Europe. Who is this...
A vision of an unconventional family together with their conflicts and rivalry, a vision full of ironic sense of humour but also emotional moments...
A Cat with a Dog
A teenage boy, whose mother is terminally ill, and his alcohol-addicted sports teacher set out on a pilgrimage to Czestochowa.
All Will Be Well
A story of a married couple with two children, whose housing problems, the man's infidelity and the woman's fragility lead the family to destruction.
Saviour Square
Tomasz Komenda was 23 years old when his normal life was brutally interrupted. Overnight he was arrested, thrown into prison and charged with murder....
25 Years of Innocence
In 1945, as Stalin sets his hands over Poland, famous painter Wladislaw Strzeminski refuses to compromise on his art with the doctrines of social...