Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They...
Headless Horseman
In this modern retelling of the classic horror tale, teen siblings are enslaved by a psychotic recluse within her gruesome house of horrors in the...
Hansel & Gretel
A young serial killer preys on families during lightning storms.
Basement Jack
Shooting a music video aboard a tall ship, band SM6 discovers a partial treasure map. After reading the incantation on the map, a waterspout emerges...
Time Pirates
During a failed art heist, the Djinn is once again liberated. This time, to complete the 1001 wishes that he needs before the final 3, he lets...
Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies
A chunk of dark matter shoots right through earth, causing various worldwide disasters. A family in Los Angeles struggles to survive the ordeal.
Our hero Fin has battled sharks all over the globe, but in this last installment he will tackle the final shark-tier - time travel.
The Last Sharknado: It's About Time
In Louisiana, in the wicked Whateley House, Lavina delivers two babies whose fate is written. Ten years later, three scholars of the occult discover...
The Dunwich Horror
The friends Emmett, Freddy, Marie, Kevin and his reluctant girlfriend Jessie decide to spend the Halloween night in an abandoned hospital. Meanwhile,...
The Robertson County Sheriff's Department has released footage found on the bodies of the Sawyer family's cell phones and video cameras. What was...
The Bell Witch Haunting