Evangelist Målle Lindberg drew much attention in the 60's. Headlines told of ecstatic tent shows with a rock'n'roll spirit, alcohol, gambling...
"Målle Lindberg - clown or prophet?" - About the evangelist and singer Målle Lindberg, a.k.a. the Gypsy Preacher. The film depicts parts...
Målle Lindberg - pajas eller profet?
About the Maranatha Movement and the Plymouth Brothers activity in Sweden. The visit by James Taylor Jr. of the Exclusive Brethren. And the...
Tro, tro
1964 - the year when Astrid Lindgren's 'Vi på Saltkråkan' is shown on TV, UN Swedes smuggle weapons, Khrushchev is visiting, car testing...
Året var 1964