Crime, drama. In Las Vegas, young Barry Nichols inadvertently steals a fortune from the Mob and is slashed to death by a limping hood. Later, his...
Funny Money
It's a new start for teenager Rita Patel and her family - new home, new school, new diary, new life. But their happiness is short-lived when racist...
The Diary of Rita Patel
Written by Farrukh Dhondy. Blind Mr. Homersham lives alone with no one to care for him, but then he meets young Jamshyd. Being blind Mr. Homesham...
To Turn a Blind Eye
"These Indian films. They're done to a formula - songs, dance, routines and a lot of sentimental heavy breathing." When her 17-year-old son Roy falls...
The Garland
Clive decides he will go mad. Stark raving mad. His wife doesn't take him seriously, until Clive does something that makes her realise he means it.
Name for the Day
When John Fielding, MP, disappeared on the way home to his country estates he was, perhaps, cracking the first good joke of his life. Sergeant...
The Enigma