Between art and therapy, Lygia explores the patient's sensitivity through a reconfiguration of bodily experiences, expanding the concept of the body...
Memória do Corpo
A satire on the relationship between the artist and the art market.
Follows the story of Opinião, a theatre group created in 1964 during the early Brazilian dictatorship period to oppose the government through...
Memórias do Grupo Opinião
A collage of newsreels, trailers, clips and other visionary and unseen fragments of sight and sound regarding the late plastic artist Helio Oititica.
Artistic experimental documentary short that explores the universe of Brazilian artist Lygia Clark. Sensorial experiences, the perception of the...
The World of Lygia Clark
An experimental film on Brazilian avant-garde artist Helio Oiticica and his works, especially the Parangolés.
A film regarding the works, the studios and the performances of Abrahan Palatnik, Antonio Dias, Carlos Vergara, Glauco Rodrigues, Helio Oiticica,...
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