8 years since the second sequel, SLD3 follows the harrowing conclusion all those years ago. Ethan has unravelled into a spiral of self destruction...
The Last Sex Lies & Depravity
An unexpected love story begins on the Norfolk Coast, Tom & JD are two strangers meeting in the night. As the weekend in the middle of nowhere...
Stranger Than Us
Hero and Beatrice, cousins and best friends, have very different approaches to love. Beatrice, burned once, is fiercely avoiding her arrogant...
Much Ado
This is a war film where homesickness, homophobia, and human nature are the enemy. In the trenches of World War 1, tensions rise between three...
The Soldier's Post
Lured to a beautiful but remote farmhouse by a deceitful relative, a family decides to move in. Little do they know it’s in the middle of a...
The Evil Fairy Queen
Whilst searching for fear, fear unexpectedly finds them.
In Search of Fear