The film tells the story of documentary filmmaker Michael King (Shane Johnson), who doesn’t believe in God or the Devil. Following the sudden...
The Possession of Michael King
Troubled 17-year-old Sean Holloway falls in with a group of teenage outcasts called 'The Misfits,' whose charismatic leader, Ricky, takes him under...
As Night Comes
Trapped in a bunker during World War I, a group of soldiers are faced with an ungodly presence that slowly turns them against each other.
Ava and Thomas live--to outside eyes--the good life, complete with a child and a lovely home in Los Angeles, but something is lost. Ava has placed...
The Ever After
A sister comes to terms with what it means to come of age in rural isolation, but the adversity of the outside world is no comparison to the...
There Is No Gravity
Small-town store clerk Colleen is eager to escape her tedious existence and annoying boyfriend. Then gruesome photos of murdered women start...
The Girl in the Photographs
Young and disenchanted Sam meets a mysterious and beautiful woman who's swimming in his building's pool one night. When she suddenly vanishes the...
Under the Silver Lake
Roger lives a grim and detached life, picking up medical waste for a living, but looks forward to his evening conversations with his quirky roommate...
Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" in a remote town for Halloween weekend. There, they play the game rumored to have caused the deaths...
Truth or Dare
Blood runs rampant on Halloween night when a small town's Fright Fest becomes real inside the walls of a long abandoned asylum.
Fright Fest
Alex, is a twenty-something struggling to put his life back together after past, reckless mistakes render his job search hopeless. While pressure at...
A Dark Place
Author P.L. Travers looks back on her childhood while reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big...
Saving Mr. Banks
Set on computer screens and found footage style content, the movie follows six actors who decide to shoot their own horror movie as their hit TV show...
Untitled Horror Movie