A mysterious woman recruits bank teller Ludwig Dieter to lead a group of aspiring thieves on a top-secret heist during the early stages of the zombie...
Army of Thieves
An ordinary young boy called Nikolas sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to...
A Boy Called Christmas
Johann Faust comes back to life. After centuries spent in darkness he unleashes a night of terror in Prague, with vampires, zombies and mutants. This...
Bloody Johann
Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is...
On the Roof
Ubal a zmiz
A short film about ties and gaps between a child and a parent. The author rediscovers letters her dad used to write her from prison. That love seems...
Love, Dad
Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to save his true love by...
The Crow
Holka od vedle
Kouzlo derby