'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their...
The Last Party
It was 24 hours with him. I saw him shake his ass with a friend. Scrubbing tile corners. Have egg salad for lunch. Buy cleaning products. Rehearse in...
In six decades, Teatro Oficina has done more than revolutionize theatrical language in the country: the aesthetic influence of José Celso...
Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina
Tan needs to cry.
The Care One Takes of the Care Others Must Take of Themselves
The daily lives of three young students in São Paulo. They symbolize the first generation of black students that, thanks to new education...
Quantos Eram pra Tá?
A story of a polyamorous, non-binary relationship struggling to survive an epidemic of genetically modified killer mosquitos.
The Bite