Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht’s working day is marked by applause and admiration but also doubts and intrigues. This film follows her...
Documentary about former German chancellor Angela Merkel’s political ascent and mental strength, featuring interviews with her and a variety of...
Angela Merkel - Im Lauf der Zeit
Follows the artist over two years as he explores his „life after Beethoven“, as he searches for his next challenge, his identity as an...
Igor Levit: No Fear
Upon realising her generation won’t have a future unless the world’s politicians act now on climate change, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg...
Make the World Greta Again
A documentary that shows how young activists from around the globe such as Felix Finkbeiner (Plant for the Planet), Luisa Neubauer, Greta Thunberg...
Who are the young people who are involved in the "Fridays for Future" movement and who relentlessly take to the streets for environmental and climate...
Generation Fridays for Future
The young generation sees their future at risk. They rebel against a lifestyle that threatens to destroy the world. The corona crisis also...
It's Our Time!