Carmela leads a quiet life in the countryside next to his grandfather until April, an adventurous carefree girl, breaks into her daily life. This...
A man named Maupassant arrives at the hospital after cutting off his own hand, convinced that his limb wants to kill him. Obsessed, a nurse named...
The Hand
Dramatized series that shows a mosaic of stories, which run in parallel and sometimes intertwine, around Tepito and its identity as a neighborhood,...
Castle Chronicle
Rosario Castellanos is an introverted university student who doesn't seem to belong to her time. In the early 1950s in Mexico City, she is fighting...
The Eternal Feminine
Just as Elisa and Marcos are about to break up, they find out that they’re going to have a baby. Together, they will have to face their...
From Silence
During the holidays, Amanda, trapped in adolescence, looks for a way to escape from the annoying family trip. While travelling, she realizes how her...
Silence Is Welcome