Divoká Poľana: V medveďom vulkáne
Divoká Poľana: Poľanský jeleň
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a...
Broken Promise
Jozef Bednárik a jeho muzikálový svet
Katedrála zázrakov
Zázračný nos
Christoffer and Maja's trip to Prague to bring back Chistoffer's deceased father, evolves into the story of a break-up. With the dead father lurking...
Podoby sveta
Dážď padá na naše duše
...kone na betóne
Láska na vlásku
A contemporary tragicomedy from a modern city about disintegration of relationship, disintegration of a marriage, and maybe also about the...
Half Breakdown
Johankino tajomstvo
Zlatý hlas