Imprisoned by an illness, a young country girl decides to leave for Quebec City in order to study piano and discover an animated and enthralling...
A Girl at the Window
Les cavaliers de la canette
Fan Day
Manigances: Notice rouge
Born into a modest family, Gerry Boulet found fame with the Québec rock group Offenbach. After a life of drug and alcohol abuse and a great...
After an hockey game in Lac St-Jean, the National climbs into their bus and begins the long ride from Roberval to Quebec City. On one of the sharp...
Lance et compte
A teenage inmate's boxing skills land him in the middle of a turf war within prison walls.
Disturbing and violent memories haunt a man after he emerges from a lengthy coma.
Looking for Alexander
A couple in Québec deals with the pitfalls, pressure and high expectations of raising kids in a society obsessed with success and social media...
The Guide to the Perfect Family