Lotte that Silhouette Girl is a short animated documentary about the fantastic and creative life of film pioneer Lotte Reiniger, who was a rockstar...
Lotte That Silhouette Girl
BBC Four’s new documentary takes us on a journey through more than a century of animation. It examines the creative and technical inventiveness...
Secrets of British Animation
Die Frau hinter den Schatten: Lotte Reiniger
Portrait of the pioneer of animation films Lotte Reiniger.
Lotte Reiniger - Tanz der Schatten
Bewegte Bilder. Deutsche Trickfilme der Zwanziger Jahre
This short documentary looks at the animated art of Lotte Reiniger. We are taken through a demonstration by Lotte herself on the way she cut out,...
The Art of Lotte Reiniger
Chronicles the life and work of animator Lotte Reiniger.
Lotte Reiniger: Homage to the Inventor of the Silhouette Film