In 'Live Action', young psychiatrist Henry Carstairs moves into an apartment building filled with lonely, sex starved women. This soap is interrupted...
The Boob Tube
Three female spies are assigned to break up an international spy ring and liberate three of their colleagues who are being held hostages.
Going Down for the 3rd Time
A successful London ad-exec hires a beautiful Hungarian girl to pose for some modeling shots, little realising that she has overheard an...
A group of rich middle-aged stockbrokers get bored with making millions in the stock market. They come up with the idea to form an international sex...
Around the World in 80 Ways
An average family man, who has a mistress on the side, discovers his mistress is bisexual - and, to make matters worse, is having sexual relations...
Hot Line
A sadistic lion tamer recruits girls for a circus style nightclub.
Sex Circus
Brenda, a young naive woman from the Midwest, arrives in New York to live with her boyfriend and is accosted by the lesbian landlady whom wants her...
A Bride for Brenda