Early to work one morning, Aiden happens upon illegal activities purveyed by his employer and is drawn into a brutal fight for his life and the...
Three Magi Priests from different regions of the world journey through the unforgiving desert in hopes of finding proof of an age old prophecy. But...
Chasing the Star
Examines the pre-ministry life of Jesus starting with his baptism with John the Baptist. From there Jesus embarks on his self- exploration journey...
40 Nights
Paralyzed by his fear of dying, Miles Grissom takes out an advert offering 30000 dollars in reward money to the first person who can show him...
We Go On
A young man steals a car but is unprepared for what he finds in the back seat.
Birthday Boy
In the brutal battlefield of junior high, Sam has always tried to stay below radar — but all that changes when he discovers he has super powers.
When the old-old-old-fashioned vampire Vlad arrives at the hotel for an impromptu family get-together, Hotel Transylvania is in for a collision of...
Hotel Transylvania 2