The story of 'Sala Budha' or 'The stupid Old man' revolves around an old village head, the Sarpanch of a village, who tries his best to take care of...
Sala Budha
Sukru Majhi, a 84 years old Kondh tribal and always a righteous, humanist and loving person. He has three sons lives with their wives and two grand...
Aadim Vichar
The movie is based on industrialisation and subsequent displacement of Paraja tribals in Koraput district. The film deals with problems faced by the...
Pahadara Luha
Born and brought up in a tribal region of Odisha, India, 'Padmashri' 'Tulsi Munda did not allow the poverty, illiteracy and un-development of her...
Tulasi Apa
SalaBudha is back again to exact revenge.
Sala Budhar Badla