The psychological drama of a mining town in the Apuseni mountains, where the lure of gold acquisition and pathology lead to cruelty, murder and...
Lust for Gold
Biography of Aurel Vlaicu, a world wide aviation pioneer.
Aurel Vlaicu
The exploits of an odd adulterous couple
Snapshot Around the Family Table
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in...
The Moment
Obsessed by greed and the fact that his wife is in love with his brother, innkeeper Stavarache heads towards madness. Based on the I.L.Caragiale...
Before the Silence
A young boy becomes callous to the deaths and battles that rage on during World War II. He and his friends follow a peasant soldier of a Rumanian...
Too Little for Such a Big War