Batman must face The Penguin, a sewer-dwelling gangleader intent on being accepted into Gotham society. Meanwhile, another Gotham resident finds...
Batman Returns
Based on a true-story - A Plumm Summer tells the remarkable tale of two young brothers, Elliott and Rocky Plumm, who go head-to-head with the FBI in...
A Plumm Summer
When an EPA representative is murdered in a small Appalachian community, EPA undercover agent Jack Taggart is sent in—posing as a handyman...
Fire Down Below
Unlucky in love, chemist Paul Matthews visits gypsy Madame Rosa for help. Quickly realizing he is a hopeless nerd, she gifts him with Love Potion No....
Love Potion No. 9
The story of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball team on a budget, by employing...
After a bad breakup, Wonderful Woman and Superbman, must work together with the super crew to prevent world domination by an invincible super villain...
Super Heroes The Movie