Bavaji, an intelligent young man motivated by the Hollywood film "Perfume," desires to be a scientist, is mistaken for a criminal and becomes a...
Ram Mohan Rao and Shyamala Bharath both are political rivals. Ram Mohan Rao is the chief minister of the Andhra Pradesh state. And shyamala Bharath...
Stalin is deeply moved by the suicide of a girl with physical disabilities. As a result, he devises a formula of extending unconditional help to...
Three girls find themselves accused of attempt to murder after escaping molestation. Their only hope is an alcoholic lawyer who agrees to take up the...
Vakeel Saab
A pair of high school sweethearts face challenges in their relationship when they take different directions in life.
Meka Suri succeeds in taking revenge. But later he gets pulled deeper in the crime world and he becomes one of the most wanted criminals. The raw,...
Meka Suri 2