The intense thriller follows two homeless siblings who turn to the criminal world to survive. Their new life lives take a radical turn when the goods...
1402. Queen Margrete I has gathered the Nordic kingdoms in a union, ruled through her adopted son, Erik. But a conspiracy is in the making and...
Margrete: Queen of the North
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from...
Beck 44 - Rage Room
A Swedish drama by Reza Bagher.
A group of friends, having been told of a strange hermetic hippie-like society in the Swedish wilderness, set off on an adventure to find it. As they...
Huldra: Lady of the Forest
Small time criminal Jimmy from Malmö, dreams of making it big. All he has to do is to pull off the drug deal of his lifetime with the infamous...
Jimmy Jones
In a time of social change and unrest, war and poverty, a young working class woman, Maria, wins a camera in a lottery. The decision to keep it...
Everlasting Moments