Dyanne Thorne hosts a series of stories which explore the female perspective on sexual conquest. After Fulfillment, this film will take you...Beyond...
Beyond Fulfillment
In this hardcore parody of "Dragnet", two vice detectives roam the city looking for prostitutes. Only instead of arresting them, the cops have sex...
City of Sin
This is a low budget western about six undesired women who are taken out of a western town and transported to prison. Their adventures along the way...
Six Women
The luscious Garter Girl introduces us to four fiery stories, each one a feverish, frantic foray into the outer limits of erotica. The real star of...
Garters and Lace
The huge breasted anal supersluts of the 70's come together in the hottest big tit anal collection ever! Legendary loops include John Holmes with...
Big Tit Anal Ultra Vixens in the 1970's
After Helen's husband leaves for work, she is constantly barraged by visitors at her door which all lead to a sexual encounter of some sort.
Helen Bedd
A tuxedo-clad tour guide relates to the audience the greatest sexual conquests of Johnny Wadd. Each story is recounted in detail.