Tale of the Lost Boys is the story of the friendship between two men Alex, a Filipino mechanic, and Jerry, a Taiwanese aborigine student. The two...
Tale of the Lost Boys
Laruang Lalake is a realist film that portrays the workers within the Filipino gay film industry and their personal stories - from the naughty to the...
Boy Toys
"Little Boy Big Boy" tells the story of a carefree graphic artist named Raymund and how he is filled with doubt as he is suddenly faced with the...
Little Boy Big Boy
Mateo is a lighthouse caretaker dating a teacher Suzette. The small town they are in is trying to increase tourism. Jerome stumbles across Mateo and...
The Man in the Lighthouse
Miguel is an abusive husband to Teresa, a former town-beauty queen. They have an eight-year old son, JR. Their small family lives with Miguel’s...
T.P.O.: Temporary Protection Order
The story about a teenage boy, Antonio, whose emerging gay sexuality alienates him from his friends and family, until his libertine uncle, Jonbert,...
Antonio's Secret
Eva, a hardworking transsexual entrepreneur, waits for the love of her life, Edgardo who is currently enmeshed in complicated relationships with a...
The manager of a failing gay bar and his macho dancer boyfriend are having relationship troubles as their business collapses around them. But things...