Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve...
My Intimate Partner
Reporter Yu Mong-yuen is recovering from a leg injury in his fiancee Man-wah's apartment. Bored, he looks out the rear window and observes the life...
Backyard Adventures
A Martial Arts film by the Shaw Brothers
Valley of the Love-Birds
Upon the death of an elderly master, a family has a dispute over the distribution of an inheritance / jewelry and are haunted by ghosts.
Strange Tale at Midnight
Cold Nights features great performances by both Pak Yin as a tough minded “new woman”, Shusheng, and Ng Cho-fan as her weak husband, Wang...
Cold Nights
Lee Sun-fung is renowned for adapting literary classics for the silver screen. To commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Union Film Enterprise...
Human Relationships