Juan Garcia is a boy on the threshold of manhood living in a gang-controlled neighborhood. His role models could not be further apart: his older...
Strike One
The Shift is the story of one 12 hour night shift in the ER and the life and death decisions that have to be made. With the issue of euthanasia in...
The Shift
When a meteor shower rains down outside Los Angeles, Jonas and Lars, two friends stuck in tired, boring lives, head out to find a meteor and strike...
New parents Adrienne and Matteo are forced to reckon with trauma amidst their troubled relationship. They must revisit the memories of their past and...
Wander Darkly
Cross is aided by his team of weapons experts Riot, War, Shark, Lucia, Ranger, Saint, Blackfire and Nuke. Their biggest fight is against their most...
Cross Wars