The short film is a poetic interpretation of the writer's mental journey during the writing process. The writer, played by Bryan Cranston...
Writer's Block
A forlorn teenager abandoned in New York City spirals out of control, from a troubled kid to an accidental addict, after he mistakes the welcoming...
Straight Outta Tompkins
A petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along...
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Martin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not the boy who disappeared over 10 years ago. Tortured...
Malevolence 3: Killer
L.A.'s top Latino gang leader is release from jail on a technicality, swearing to kill both the cop who put him away and the priest who testified...
Gang Warz